Analyzing critical legal trends and developments across data, cyber, AI and digital regulations from around the world and beyond borders

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) recently revised its Technology Risk Management Guidelines 2021 after feedback from a 2019 public consultation and engaging with cyber security experts. In this episode, Stephanie Magnus, Ken Chia, and Ying Yi Liew take a closer look at compliance, regulator expectations, cyber threats, and other important considerations — taking into account that financial institutions encompass large multinational banks, insurance companies and small fintech startups.


Stephanie Magnus co-heads the Asia Pacific Financial Institutions Group and heads up the Financial Services Regulatory Practice Group in Singapore. Stephanie is ranked Band 1 for FinTech in Singapore by Chambers FinTech 2020. She is also ranked as a Leading Individual for Financial Services Regulatory: Local Firms in Singapore by Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2020. She is recognised as a leading lawyer for Banking & Finance: Regulatory in Singapore by Chambers Asia Pacific and Chambers Global 2020.
