Analyzing critical legal trends and developments across data, cyber, AI and digital regulations from around the world and beyond borders

This book sets the standard for interpreting them

In the United States, California leads the charge in developing privacy standards. That makes it imperative for anyone administering privacy policies to stay on top of the state’s ever-changing laws and guidelines. California Privacy Law, now in its newly updated fourth edition, provides businesses, attorneys, privacy officers and other professionals with the practical guidance and in-depth information to navigate the
State’s strict policies.

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Lothar Determann is a partner at Baker McKenzie in Palo Alto, California. He is a specialist in International Data Privacy and teaches privacy at several leading law schools. California Privacy Law is one of five books he has authored, along with more than 100 articles on privacy, technology, and law.


Lothar has been helping companies in Silicon Valley and around the world take products, business models, intellectual property and contracts global for nearly 20 years. He advises on data privacy law compliance, information technology commercialization, interactive entertainment, media, copyrights, open source licensing, electronic commerce, technology transactions, sourcing and international distribution at Baker McKenzie in San Francisco & Palo Alto.